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Cognovi Emotion AI™
Cognovi has dedicated almost a decade to intergrate behavioral psychology with deep machine learning in pursuit of creating an ethical, responsible, privacy-protected, and secure Emotion AI.
Brit Morse
Mar 27, 2020
How One Company Is Using A.I. to Predict Panic Over Covid-19
From empty grocery store shelves to empty city streets, there are many visible signs of increased anxiety over the coronavirus crisis....
Cognovi Labs
Mar 25, 2020
Fear due to lack of ventilators
Ventilators will be needed by many coronavirus patients in respiratory distress. New York State, the state with the highest number of...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 24, 2020
Geeks & Beats: Coronapocalypse AI
The Coronavirus Panic Index claims its A.I. saw this coming by analyzing the emotion of our social media posts. Cognovi Labs CEO Dr. Beni...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 24, 2020
Cognovi Panic Index shows how sentiment on jobs spiked after coronavirus was declared pandemic
How does a pandemic impact human sentiments? The Panic Index created by Cognovi Labs, a US-based AI and predictive behavioral analytics...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 19, 2020
Increased anger toward Millennials’ nonchalance about Coronavirus
Cognovi Labs’ Coronavirus Panic Index (CPI) measures the public’s emotional state in real-time by topic and geography. The CPI detected a...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 19, 2020
Retail Heroes and Villains of COVID-19: Quantifying Emotional Reactions to Corporate Decisions
Many retail giants have been faced with a choice this week….close their stores or keep them open. How stores handle this could have long...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 15, 2020
Why was the U.S. Federal Reserve’s action unable to calm the stock market?
In a dramatic move reminiscent of the 2008 financial crisis, the Fed cut its key interest rate to near zero yesterday to counteract the...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 15, 2020
Coronavirus and Joy—Can this Be True?
I am an analyst at Cognovi Labs, an artificial intelligence company that measures emotions expressed from the public through text-based...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 15, 2020
Cognovi’s Bloomberg Event App, a Financial Market Tool, Provides Coronavirus Insight
In Q4 2019, Cognovi Labs partnered with Bloomberg to launch the Event Impact App for Bloomberg App Portal subscribers. The App allows...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 15, 2020
Quantifying the Fear Around Toilet Paper
Over the last ten days, we are now experiencing the societal effects of the Coronavirus. We feel a lack of control, and when humans...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 15, 2020
The Public’s Emotional Rollercoaster
There is a timeline of Coronavirus related events and there is a timeline of the public’s emotional rollercoaster. One influences the...
Cognovi Labs
Mar 15, 2020
Anger Around Possible Bailouts for Royal Caribbean
One cannot dispute COVID-19 has touched every aspect of our lives and has evoked very strong emotions from the public. While one topic...
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